This lesson looks at the different types of people that fought for Britain during World War One. It includes, Black Britain’s, African Americans and Indians. It is a great lesson to use to help diversify your curriculum and showcase different experiences during the war.
This lesson includes differentiation,- challenge activities and support for lower ability students.
A full lesson that focuses on creating a timeline from 1102-present day on the experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community.
This lesson will include a starter activity, context slide, main task and plenary.
Full lesson on what life was like in the concentration camps for internees. The lesson includes a full lesson Power Point, main task worksheet and differentiated work for EAL and LA students.
This bundle consists of two lessons that focus on the experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community throughout history. Each lesson has a power point that includes a starter, context slide, main task and plenary. The lessons include:
Lesson 1- LGBTQIA+ in ancient civilizations (these ancient civilizations include Egypt, mesopotamia and India).
Lesson 2- Experiences of LGBTQIA+ throughout history (this lesson focuses on a timeline activity of the experiences and laws towards the LGBTQIA+ community from 1102-present day).